Klaas Family Housing - Introducing the First Charitable Housing Fund Dedicated to Families of Missing Children
I believe that part of being a responsible business owner is to give back. Most of us in Marin County have such incredible opportunities to succeed. In 2012, I spent the greater part of the year thinking about starting my own charity. I have had great success in my career, and felt that it was time to give back. I have always had a particular sensitivity to missing children. I believe that the worst thing that could ever happen to a family would be to have their child taken from them. With cancer or other illness, there is at least time to say goodbye. That isn’t the case in an abduction. Ironically, I happened to see a news story about a child who had been taken from her home in Arizona. I have known Marc Klaas (Polly’s father) for a long time, and have always admired his complete and total dedication to the families of missing children. I called Marc to ask what funding there was for financial support for mortgage or rent for the families of missing children after an abduction. When he told me that there was nothing like this on a local or national level, I decided to start a charity called the Klaas Family Housing Fund which dovetails very nicely into what I do for a living, which is to provide housing for my clients. I am very proud that we have raised over $30,000 to date. I put a percentage of every single closed transaction into the fund. The first recipient of this fund was Michelle Knight, one of the three Ohio abductees. The handwritten note that she sent to me after her check was received is pinned on my kitchen bulletin board, where I have a chance to see it every day.